Thursday, October 17, 2013

Government Shutdown Affect on The U.S Economy (916) 601-5270

Short Term Outlook regarding the United States Economy

Author: Randy Taylor, Ca. Lic. #0643596 Randy Taylor has advised financial planners
on insurance and retirement savings accounts, for 10 years and consumers since 1983.
Copyright 10/17/2014 . This may be distributed if not altered in anyway and copied in it;s

What Factors affect the market  projections for the next 3 months?

  1. Strong earnings for the S&P 500 are reported  this quarter of 2013.. ( Up about 4%)  The chief financial officer for Lensco Private Ledger suggests that they could be up by   7 - 8 % by the end of the year.
  2. What about the shutdown?  Most companies will not be affected by the shutdown.
  3.  Other factors are more imortant. Earnings and other factors below are more likely to impact the market.
  4. Spending cuts, higher taxes, and higher gasoline prices are more important and are an anchor weighing down the economy 
  5. Positive factors: The global economy has done better than expected; and the stock market is returning to form.. The housing market is also returning .
What about the nay sayers that are predicting a crash within 12 months?

Economist Harry Dent has had great success in the past predicting economic changes based on things such as population growth and other factors.  He suggests that since a large portion of the U.S. S&P stock index includes companies that are global, ( About 40%) that our market will crash anyway.
You can read his 2014 predictions: The Great Depression 2014, for yourself at:

What do I do for my own IRA savings account or portfolio if I prefer safety of principal, guarantees of a lifetime income, and growth crediting that is independent of the S&P or other indices?
One solution is to have some of your money in an indexed annuity offered by one of the more competitive insurance companies.. I believe that they are most suited for those that plan to use the accounts as a vehicle to generate monthly or annual income.  You would therefore normally want to ad an "income rider" which gives you a contractual guarantee of a high income payment. You have almost 1,200 competing for your business in most states. You will want to sit down with your advisor and go through a complete suitability review first before deciding on any retirement solutions.

Note: This article is offered for entertainment purposes only; is not meant to be investment advice.. If you decide to invest any money for any purpose it is recommend that you first talk to your attorney, accountant, or financial advisor.

Follow my blog :
Linked in Recommendations:
Life insurance, Legal Shield, and I.R.A. Account Specialist
Serving clients and brokers since 1983
(916) 601-5270

Friday, August 23, 2013

Identity Theft: A Solution, for Victims , by Randy Taylor

About the author: Randy Taylor has completed an additional 20 hours of continuing education on Identity Theft in 2012. He  has  been an insurance  agent with over 20 years of experience advising consumers on insurance decisions and an additional 10 years of experience advising insurance brokers, stock brokers  and financial planners.  Quoted in Forbes in 2012 

Linked in Recommendations:
Life insurance and I.R.A. Account Specialist
Serving clients and brokers since 1983

Identity Theft Coverage:  Do I need it?  What if I  am already invaded? How  do I solve  the problem?

Identity Theft
 The fastest  growing crime in the world: I already have a plan, why would I be concerned if my bank or identity theft plan reimburses me for the loss?

The Answer
Identity theft  can include a lot more than simply someone purchasing  items without your permission or draining your bank account.The problems include but are not limited to:
    1.) Time loss in correcting errors or restoring credit:  The estimate from Laws .com is that it takes from 
as little as 3 to as  high as 5,800 + hours to resolve  the  more serious problems.
    2.) Your social security account or your veterans benefits could be affected which could take professional help to resolve.
    3.) People have also had their M.I.B. bureau account  hacked and  have even had their Veterans benefits
invaded and used  fraudulently.

The Limitations of Most Plans: 
 First of all  if your only concern is to get reimbursement for illegal purchases etc.; then your bank or credit card company might  do that for you at NO additonal cost. Therefore many plans are not addressing  the real problems:  Compromised credit and hundreds of hours of lost time for letters and phone calls that need to be made.

My Specific recommendation for many people: 
 The world's most respected risk management company; Kroll which investigated Sadam Hussein's bank accounts for the Kuwaiti government can be  a partner to help  you for as  little as under $10.00 per month.
   How does this work? You secure a membership from a national company, Legal  Shiedl formerly Pre-Paid Legal with a simple month to month membership.When you have an identity theft issue; you simply call Identity Shield..They send  you a limited power of attorney; send the letters, make the phone  calls and you then have  a team of experts investigate your problem, and restore  your credit to where  it was 60 days prior to the problem.
I own this plan  myself and  have been in the insurance business for over  30 years and after a careful review; decided to purchase the plan for my own  use  and I  recommend it to all of my clients.  You will of course
want to review the package after purchase since this article is submitted for entertainment purposes only.
Should you purchase a  plan; you will have  time to review it with a specified refund period.
Please call or message me on Facebook for more  information..

This article can be re-distributed if NOT altered in any way.

Contact information and information on free training services:

Follow my blog :
Linked in Recommendations:
Life insurance and I.R.A. Account Specialist
Serving clients and brokers since 1983

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to Open and Close Sales Calls


Author:  Randy Taylor of Randy Taylor Financial Services who has handled over  4,000 sales transactions.It is  protected  by a Creative Commons License and may not  be distributed or altered in any way.

Opening Sales Calls More  Effectively

The most common  mistake  among new and veteran sales people is usually that they start presenting product solutions before knowing what the customer needs, wants,  or can afford.

The basics in opening sales calls help with handling objections and even closing later in the interview.
Step  #1: He who asks the most questions and talks the least controls the interview. 
It is important to find out what they are using, how much they are  paying, what their goals are, and how they think  they might improve their situation.
Step #2 : Take notes during the fact  finding and:
Step #3 :  then  present a  solution to  their  specific concerns; not a  standardized  sales script..This is called consultative selling and develops rapport quickly.

Closing Starts During the Presentation, Not Just the Ending.

During the sales  process you will want to ask trial closing  questions to check your progress and
also to help you identify customer "hot buttons"..

The best trial closing questions include:  
Does  that  make sense ?
Can you see how that will help you?
Does that fit  your budget?

You can close immediately after a Yes answer to any of the above or take notes  and close later.

The Easiest Effective Closing Methods to Use or Teach to Others:

The formula:

Step  #1 : Assume The Sale; be positive
Step  #2 : Summarize the benefits they agreed to only
Step  #3 : Ask for the business

Simple But Effective Closing  Questions:

Order Blank  Close: Do steps above then  simply fill  out the order blank verbally: "Is this your correct address" etc.

The Secondary Choice:  ( Not..a choice  between two options.) You ask for the business and then follow  it  with a second  choice like:  "Does this make sense? and immediately follow with:  I can't deliver this until next Tuesday, would that be soon enough ? "  If they say yes to it's soon enough; they have bought.

For more  details on how to handle objections, present, or do a more detailed  sales  call; please contact me at: Randy Taylor
(916) 601-5270

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How to Use the Google Task List for Reminders or Follow Ups

The Simplest Free Task or To Do List is Available with  a Gmail Account

Need a fast and free system for followups, a running prospect list for sales, or a prioritized 
list of tasks to do?  Google has an answer that is very versatile and easy to modify as tasks are completed.

How to get started:  

Log into your gmail account.
Tasks then appear in the upper left side of the screen page near where it says contacts.
To then find the tab for tasks; look for the red arrow just to the right of the word contacts.
1.) Click on Tasks and a to do list opens up.
2.) Then add new tasks by just clicking on your left mouse tab and then typing the name of your task
3.) If you want to assign a due date; type in a date at the start of your task.

How to Add a task directly from an email:

Open any mail message.  Then left click on the More actions drop down. Select:  Add to Tasks

How to change the order of your task items:

Reorder Your List

Change the order of the list by clicking to the left of the check-box on any item. Then change the order of your tasks by clicking and dragging on the area to the left until your item is where you want it.

Can you have several task lists at once ?

Yes you can and it's easy. You might want to separate personal tasks from business task or shopping 
lists etc. 

Multiple Lists

If you want to keep track of work tasks and home tasks or tasks within separate projects, you can create multiple task lists. You would simply click near lower right corner of your task window and then select  New List.

Summary: This works very well and of course is saved on the Google server so you are safer than you might be by having a task list on a desk top.. You can combine several uses also with the Google gmail calendar which allows you to not only to schedule appointments but to also send reminders of the appts. to meeting participants while you are creating the appointment.

The system is free and inexpensive and I have used it extensively with good results.
I hope this helps with both personal and business time scheduling for many of you.

Linked in Recommendations:
Life insurance and I.R.A. Account Specialist
Serving clients and brokers since 1983

Friday, May 17, 2013

How To Keep Retirement or Insurance Premiums 100% Liquid

For help in California, Ohio, and Florida only; contact :
Randy Taylor
Serving clients and brokers since 1983

 Problem #1:  What if you have limited funds set aside for emergencies; but need to purchase
Life insurance, Long term care insurance, or a Tax deferred annuity savings account?

Problem #2 :  You also want your deposit to be safe , with any growth on the funds to tax deferred while alive, free from income taxes at death, and free from probate expenses.

The Solutions : Some insurance companies offer the following savings  and/or insurance accounts
that allow a lifetime refund option available at any time or, during a set period...:

Single Premium Life insurance: A few highly rated companies offer life insurance that has a contractual
benefit that says you can ask for and receive your deposit back at any time in the future ! It's basically a lifetime refund for any reason at any time. A few others give you the right to ask for a refund any time in the first 10 years.  This mean you can be insured  and then have an emergency, need the cash and borrow part as a loan; or just cash in the entire plan.

Long Term Care Insurance Combined with Life Insurance: This plan is wonderful in that a client can be insured for both long term care needs and life insurance at the same time. If he dies the entire death benefit goes to his beneficiary, income tax free, and probate expense free..If he lives and needs short term cash; he can take a loan and pay it back or not. If he is confined to a nursing home a 50 yr old for example; in good health with $50,000 might have enough to cover 2-3 years stay at a nursing home and maybe 3 times the deposit in paid up life insurance, $150,000 estimate only, if he keeps the plan.

Tax deferred  Fixed Annuities:  These are harder to find but typically look like a bank c.d. deposit that has key advantages over a bank c.d. The annuities in this category on the downside are typically offered only in plans with  a  5 year rate guarantee term that can be cancelled or renewed at the end of the 5 year term.
The upside: The rates locked in for 5 years are higher than an equivalent bank c.d. and unlike a  c.d., the
interest does not have to be claimed as income annually. At death the money goes to the named heir without
the expense of a trust,will, or probate.. At the time of this blog there may or may not be any of these plans
that offer the full refund available. The fee for the refund guarantee is usually about 1/2 of 1%.

Note: These programs usually involve the use of a single purchase premium...The insurance company has
to return the premium but keeps the interest in exchange for any insurance benefit etc. that was available 
prior to the full contract surrender. There are ways to take portions of the deposit without penalty via loans.

 Information given is not meant to be tax or investment advice. Contact you attorney or financial consultant before making any purchases of financial or insurance products.

For help in California, Ohio, and Florida only; contact :
Randy Taylor
Serving clients and brokers since 1983

This article is protected by a Creative Commons Copyright and therefore may be shared and distributed; but
only if it is not altered in any way from it's original form.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How to lower your legal costs with Legal Shield Services


Randy Taylor Financial Services
Licensed insurance agent, 30 years, California # 0643596
1(926) 601-5270

First The problems:

Problem #1: In today's economy in particular; a single lawsuit could destroy or at least cripple your retirement account's ability to carry you through retirement. For example if you saved for 30 working years and accumulate an extra $100,000; it could be wiped out with one lawsuit.   Bankruptcy is not a solution either since it would then leave you vulnerable to a second law suit.

Problem #2:  Attorney costs have escalated to the point of being just too expensive for most families.
One source, suggest that fees in average cities are from $200 to $400. per hour.

Problem #3: You might have simple documents to have reviewed like a home purchase contract.

Then The Solution:

Pay for a monthly membership that provides you access to an attorney for one low cost per month
(Around $17.00 per month typically)

Services included:

Your access to an attorney that specializes in your field of inquiry; by phone at no additional
cost; or in person at a greatly reduced cost. ( For some circumtances, free representation in court.)

Toll Free Access for consultations and advice from an attorney specializing in your problem area.
(Unlimited # of topics)

Letters or phone calls on your behalf

Contract review

Will preparation at no additonal cost

Moving traffic violations

Trial defense: Up to 75 hrs. of attorney assitance for covered criminal or job related civil suits

Audit assistance.

For more information you would want to consult the specific membership agreement and you can
call me directly for assistance or more information.  This service is grossly underpriced and can be
cancelled at any time.

Randy Taylor Financial Services
Licensed insurance agent, 30 years, California # 0643596
1(926) 601-5270
Copyright. Ok to share if published in it's entirety only and not modified.
Creative commons:  <a rel="license" href="