About the author: Randy Taylor has completed an additional 20 hours of continuing education on Identity Theft in 2012. He has been an insurance agent with over 20 years of experience advising consumers on insurance decisions and an additional 10 years of experience advising insurance brokers, stock brokers and financial planners. Quoted in Forbes in 2012
Linked in Recommendations:http://www.linkedin.com/in/randytaylorlifeandannuities
Life insurance and I.R.A. Account Specialist
Serving clients and brokers since 1983
Life insurance and I.R.A. Account Specialist
Serving clients and brokers since 1983
Identity Theft Coverage: Do I need it? What if I am already invaded? How do I solve the problem?
Identity Theft:
The fastest growing crime in the world: I already have a plan, why would I be concerned if my bank or identity theft plan reimburses me for the loss?
The Answer:
Identity theft can include a lot more than simply someone purchasing items without your permission or draining your bank account.The problems include but are not limited to:
1.) Time loss in correcting errors or restoring credit: The estimate from Laws .com is that it takes from
as little as 3 to as high as 5,800 + hours to resolve the more serious problems.
2.) Your social security account or your veterans benefits could be affected which could take professional help to resolve.
3.) People have also had their M.I.B. bureau account hacked and have even had their Veterans benefits
invaded and used fraudulently.
The Limitations of Most Plans:
First of all if your only concern is to get reimbursement for illegal purchases etc.; then your bank or credit card company might do that for you at NO additonal cost. Therefore many plans are not addressing the real problems: Compromised credit and hundreds of hours of lost time for letters and phone calls that need to be made.
My Specific recommendation for many people:
The world's most respected risk management company; Kroll which investigated Sadam Hussein's bank accounts for the Kuwaiti government can be a partner to help you for as little as under $10.00 per month.
How does this work? You secure a membership from a national company, Legal Shiedl formerly Pre-Paid Legal with a simple month to month membership.When you have an identity theft issue; you simply call Identity Shield..They send you a limited power of attorney; send the letters, make the phone calls and you then have a team of experts investigate your problem, and restore your credit to where it was 60 days prior to the problem.
I own this plan myself and have been in the insurance business for over 30 years and after a careful review; decided to purchase the plan for my own use and I recommend it to all of my clients. You will of course
want to review the package after purchase since this article is submitted for entertainment purposes only.
Should you purchase a plan; you will have time to review it with a specified refund period.
Please call or message me on Facebook for more information..
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Linked in Recommendations:http://www.linkedin.com/in/randytaylorlifeandannuities
Life insurance and I.R.A. Account Specialist
Serving clients and brokers since 1983
Linked in Recommendations:http://www.linkedin.com/in/randytaylorlifeandannuities
Life insurance and I.R.A. Account Specialist
Serving clients and brokers since 1983